The user can leverage SG S/W to dump the raw image file from golden samples but how to identify bad blocks from dump image? System General release a useful S/W tools to scan the bad block locations from the dump image.
Set the device page/block size.
Select the dump image file.
Click Scan Bad Block.
Get the Bad block location and file offset address information.
Please download the Scan Bad Block S/W for this tools.

I downloaded the software, tested it and it works perfectly. You're the best. Thanks Rickey. 🤠
I have no idea ... this requires the TNM source code. Look, the same ic nand checked with RT809H.
025: Chip pins contact is detected OK.
026: TotalPageNum: 0x40E00,PageNumInBlock: 128,PageSize: 8628
027: Chip ID verification OK.
028: TotalBlockNum: 2076
029: detected 12 Bad block.
030: Bad block is located£º 558, 983, 1117, 1118, 1168, 1242, 1347, 1572, 1759, 1959, 2014, 2073,
031: >------------------------------------OK---------------------------------------<
Hi. Today I read a dump from a nand with 12 BB, with the option of hard copy. Then I scanned the file with your software and also, it does not detect any BB in the dump... I fixed the dump with tnm5000
Hi Catalina,
Sorry for the delay. The scan bad block S/W tools scan the whole block as all 00h then recognize the block is bad block. According to the image file. The bad block flag on block 3/5/15 are all 0xFF and it seems not the bad blocks. Can you assist to check if this is the image file with bad block as 3/5/15?
Thank you.
Hi Catalina, Yes. Please provide us the test dump to check why the SW can’t detect the bad block images. Thank you and have a nice weekend.
Hi Catalina,
Thank you and please let us know if you need any assistance from System General.
Hi. I'll test it and come back with feedback. Thanks
Hi Catalina,
We have released the updated Scan Bad Block tools with 8K+436B per page.
Plese download the updated S/W via the download page.
Thank you.
HI. Thanks for the reply. I look forward to the next update. The program is really helpful
Hi Catalina,
Please download the S/W via this page. Thank you
UFS/eMMC S/W Download | Systemgeneral (
Download link not working... tnx